
The Hatch Apps Home page is the centralized dashboard for our members. Our key objective is to convey ROI (return on investment) to our members.

  • Team members: The number of team members that have accepted their invite to the platform.

  • Hours saved: An estimated calculation of how many hours your company has saved using the platform and no-code products.

  • Money saved: An estimated calculation of how much money your company has saved using the platform and no-code products.

  • Products: Total number of no-code products on the platform.

  • Marketplace: Total number of marketplace vendors on the platform.

  • Deals: Total number of deals on the platform.

Note: Our platform automatically tracks the money saved by your company. If the total doesn't add up to $2,499 on a given year, a refund is automatically issued to you. We estimate 10x value to our customers (i.e. you'll save ~$25,000 per year on software development costs with Hatch Apps).

Last updated